Total value=171.80
Total oop=79.79
Preferred and bonus buy savings=53.06
Time spent planning my trip=1 hour (keep in mind I stopped every 2 or 3 minutes to change diapers, get drinks, stop fights, etc.) I could have cut it in half if I didn't have my sweet little interruptions.
I left the store with $15 (which I didn't even factor into my savings) to spend on my next trip plus a catalina (those coupons you get at the end of your receipt) for $5 off my next baby care purchase. I plan on making another trip now just for more diapers. I am used to the Parents Choice diapers from Walmart, and these nice Pampers are actually cheaper!
Be careful if you leave the store without spending your $15. Save it, and look at the expiration date. They don't last too long! Good luck.
Nice job!!
Good Job, Linds! I have to admit I've given up on the grocery store part of saving, but it looks like I need to hit Albertson's this week! You got some good deals!
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